


Handles the global configuration of OCO

# new OCOConfig(ocoConfigFileopt)

Sets a new config file to be used by OCO
Name Type Attributes Description
ocoConfigFile string | File <optional>
The config file to be used. If not set, will use the default file in the user's documents OCO folder.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 16567


# absoluteURI() → {File|null}

Get the current config file

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 16611

The File object representing the config file.
File | null

# get(key, defaultValueopt) → {*}

Gets a value from the config. The key can be a path separated by /
Name Type Attributes Default Description
key string The setting to get
defaultValue * <optional>
null The default value if the key is not set in the settings

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 16675

The value

# set(key, value)

Sets a new Key/Value pair in the config. The key
Name Type Description
key string The key. It can be a path-like string (i.e. 'after effects/bone type').
value * The value to set

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 16621

# setConfig(ocoConfigFileopt) → {boolean}

Sets the config file to be used by OCO
Name Type Attributes Description
ocoConfigFile string | File <optional>
The config file to be used. If not set, will use the default file in the user's documents OCO folder.
If this is a File object, it's encoding will be ignored and always be set to UTF-8, as per the OCO specifications.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 16578
